For employees (T4 slip) eligible to claim Employment Expenses
If you were employed during the tax year and you were eligible to claim expenses incurred by you during the earning of your income (e.g. salesman, broker, etc.), this spreadsheet may be useful to you to accumulate your expenses for the year.
To ensure your eligibility to claim Employment Expenses you must obtain a completed copy of CRA form T2200 - Declaration of Conditions of Employment. This form is to be completed by your employer (authorized individual), and provided to you for your use in completing your tax return.
It is important that you and your employer be familiar with CRA booklet T4044 - Employment Expenses.
Any use of this file presumes your ability to enter data completely and accurately onto a spreadsheet. If you require assistance from us to use this tool, you are welcome to contact us by phone or e-mail. However, our services will be charged to your account at $100 / hour for any such assistance, with a minimum one-hour charge per call.